Parents » Educational Travel

Educational Travel

Educational Travel Policy

Franklin regional has a policy in place for requesting educational travel. The School Board has granted five school days per year for students to travel outside of the district during the regular school term.

To request approval, parents must obtain a form from the school office (or download from above) several weeks before the planned trip. It should be completed by the parents and returned to the classroom teacher who will fill in the student's number of days absent and average academic progress to date. The form is forwarded to the principal for a final review. Please note that there are conditions that must be met to approve a request for travel. They include:

The total number of days cannot amount to more than five school days
The student must be traveling with parents or a relative
Academic progress should be satisfactory
The number of days absent so far in the school year should be minimal
The days must not conflict with standardized testing dates
The form must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the first day of absence
The trip cannot take place during the first or last week of the school year
If a student participates in travel that has not been approved, those days will be documented as unexcused, which are considered illegal absences. More than three unexcused absences per year can result in truancy charges filed with the local magistrate.

If the request is made fewer than ten days prior to travel, teachers are not required to prepare class work and assignments for the student.

If you have questions about the policy and procedure regarding educational travel, please call the school